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Your health file in one click

Find your customer file online, available in real-time, 24/7 with a secured web access. A user-friendly online tool unique in veterinary medicine. You can also find many tools to help you in the management of your farm:

ONLINE ORDERS: Place your medications and farm supplies orders online and view your purchase history.


PREVENTIVE MEDICINE PROGRAM: Vaccination and medication protocols with cost comparisons, targeting prevention, disease control or timely treatment.

COMMUNICATIONS: Farm visit reports, veterinarian notes and protocols.


PRESCRIPTIONS: Check your prescriptions online at any time.

LAB RESULTS: Access to your results as soon as your veterinarian reviewed and analyzed it.

QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAMS: Your complete file and useful documentation.


VARIOUS TOOLS: Check dosage, withdrawal times and calculate the needed dose for a particular medicine.

Atlas on a tablet
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